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Finger on the Map

Digital Mapping

Keep track of your assets and stay in regulatory compliance

Whether you are managing one site or thousands, keeping track of assets and staying in regulatory compliance for items like chemicals and hazardous materials as well as other environmental services, is a challenge.  JBL solutions enable you to accurately map your organization’s facilities to ensure you are up-to-date with maintenance tasks, enhance compliance-related monitoring and asset management, all while adhering to regulations.


You can quickly assign all of your assets a unique identifier based on a personalized asset library that you can customize and alerts you when they are out of compliance.  Our mapping software shows you where your assets are located and automates many of the activities needed to complete management tasks efficiently.


A smart map identifies the locations of assets and inspection points, lists required tasks that are needed to be completed, and provides a personalized inspection checklist associated with each asset.


Spill Prevention

Hazardous Material


Training Tool



ipad with mapping

Key Features of Digital Mapping

  • Asset Maintenance & Management - log custom asset inspections within JBL and identify maintenance issues and management of all types of assets with audit reports including historic documentation such as images and videos.

  • Interactive Plots - group assets, organize materials, and easily categorize everything on a site that requires management, maintenance, inventory tracking, and regulatory compliance.

  • Spill & Leak Management - summarize areas where there are potential risks for contamination due to leaks in machinery and pipelines.

  • Activity Reporting Made Easy - keep track of and report on activities that have been completed or need to be done in a checklist that is customized by your needs in order to keep it compliant.

  • Hazardous Material Inventory Tracking - identify and categorize materials on site that are deemed hazardous and require regulatory inventory tracking and management.

  • Always-On Platform Access - access the JBL platform any time, anywhere, on any devices... online or off-line, you'll have peace of mind knowing things will get done.

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